Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000257_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 26 01:11:07 1997.msg
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From: "Adam Parrott" <parrottsoft@usa.net>
Organization: Parrottsoft, Ltd.
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:42:39 -0600
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Subject: Captain Bubba model.
Reply-to: parrottsoft@usa.net
CC: "Mr. Giark To You" <giark@hicksville.dyn.ml.org>
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For those that missed it, "Tomorrow for sure!" is NOW (it's here!) I
sent the first (and much anticipated) demo to Giark Sunday night.
I sent it, he uploaded it, and I gave a couple days warning (Sunday)
before I uploaded it. Three reasons to make no excuses! Go get it!
This is mainly for beta-testers and other programmers that did get
the advanced warning or havent heard (which in turn means you mean to
be more observant and check the CBATNAM page more often!)
Secondly, for those who wanted the Bubba model (which I said I
couldnt give to you due to some problems with the modeller, no
exporting, among other things), the problem has been solved. I've
located a model off the Web (which is IDENTICAL to the model I used
off my 3D model catalogue CD), and it is in Lightwave format (.LWO)!
I'm going to take it into Lightwave, replace, add, and modify the
textures, bits, and objects to him and his suit, then I'll send a
couple of screenshots of him (using the SAME established color set)
to Giark and you guys who need them. Then I'll send the Lightwave
object .zip'ped to Giark, and he can put it up on the page (make sure
you make a nice BIG, hehe, noticeable link for it) and you guys that
need it and/or want it may get it (Keith and whoever else). Then you
can render your own screenshots.
For those who don't HAVE access to a modeller or Lightwave, I'll go
ahead and continue to do the screenshots you need. For those that DO
get and use the model, I would appreciate it if when you do use it in
your level or development that you would send one or two shots of
your level and/or Bubba himself (what you did).
Again, this is an update. Hope it helps, and thanks again.
Intuition (n): an uncanny sixth sense which tells
people that they are right, whether they are or not.
Adam Parrott, personal: parrotta@usa.net, work: parrottsoft@usa.net
Member of Team *AMOS* and the IAPA. http://members.tripod.com/~parrottsoft